
副教授 辦公室電話:03-5712121#55505 實驗室電話:03-5712121#55505 yhchuang@nycu.edu.tw 個人簡歷學歷一覽
- 國立臺灣大學環境工程學研究所/博士(2013)
- 國立成功大學環境工程學系/學士(2007)
- 國立陽明交通大學 副教授(2022.08-迄今)
- 國立陽明交通大學 助理教授(2021.02-2022.07)
- 國立交通大學 助理教授(2019.02-2021.01)
- 美國史丹佛大學博士後研究員(2014.10-2019.01)
- 環境微量污染物分析
- 環境水化學
- 高級氧化處理
- Local committee. 2024 The 6th International Conference on Battery Deionization & Electrochemical Separation.
- Scientific Committee. 2023 The 13th IWA Micropol & Ecohazard Conference.
- Reviewers for Environmental Science & Technology, Water Research, and other renowned journals
- YH Chuang,* TY Chen, CS Chou, LK Chu, CY Hou, A Szczuka. 2023. Critical Role of Trichloramine Interaction with Dichloramine for N-Nitrosamine Formation during Breakpoint Chlorination. Environmental Science & Technology 57 (40), 15232-15242
- YH Chuang,* HJ Shi. 2022. UV/chlorinated cyanurates as an emerging advanced oxidation process for drinking water and potable reuse treatments. Water Research 211, 118075
- YH Chuang,* KL Wu, WC Lin, HJ Shi. 2022. Photolysis of Chlorine Dioxide under UVA Irradiation: Radical Formation, Application in Treating Micropollutants, Formation of Disinfection Byproducts, and Toxicity under Scenarios Relevant to Potable Reuse and Drinking Water. Environmental Science & Technology 56 (4), 2593-2604
- YH Chuang, A Szczuka, WA Mitch.* 2019. Comparison of Toxicity-Weighted Disinfection Byproduct Concentrations in Potable Reuse Waters and Conventional Drinking Waters as a New Approach to Assessing the Quality of Advanced Treatment Train Waters. Environmental science & technology 53 (7), 3729-3738
- YH Chuang, S Chen, CJ Chinn, WA Mitch.* 2017. Comparing the UV/monochloramine and UV/free chlorine advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) to the UV/hydrogen peroxide AOP under scenarios relevant to potable reuse. Environmental science & technology 51 (23), 13859-13868
- Excellence in Review Award 2023 in ACS ES&T Engineering(2024.09)
- 吳大猷先生紀念獎 NSTC Ta-You Wu Memorial Award(2022.08)
- 陽明交通大學工學院111年優良教學獎(2022.07)
- 科技部優秀年輕學者計畫(2022.07)
- 科技部優秀年輕學者計畫(2020.07)
- 李廣益科技青年講座教授 Junior Chair Professor Award(2019.02)